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Life Science Zurich

Silvie Cuperus

Silvie Cuperus, Dr.

  • Head of Communication & Events
+41 (0) 44 635 35 01 / (0) 44 633 87 11
Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland

I am Head of Life Science Zurich (LSZ) since 2017.

At Life Science Zurich, I am responsible for the Communication & Events. I support researchers in science communication and realize outreach activities. My tasks include the planning and implementation of  FameLab Switzerland, a science competition, the Cafes Scientifiques, the Global Science Film Festival or the organization of the Zunkunftstag at Campus Irchel and the Science and Nature Festival on Campus Irchel. I work with various partners such as reatch, Pint of Science, Open Innovation in Life Sciences and UZH Science Alumni . I also support institutes and researchers in organizing scientific meetings.

I have a background in science and engineering and broad experience in network management, program and project management, and coaching and mentoring of young scientists. I am also on the advisory board of Reatch - Research, Think, Change  and the Swiss Young Academy and of Open Innovation in Life Sciences.